About Me

Photo by Sarah Gormley Photography

Photo by Sarah Gormley Photography

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Without a guiding philosophy, my home was a place that was well-loved but filled to the brim. Hand-me-downs, impulse buys and general clutter created a sense of overwhelm in my life and home. Discarding and organizing wasn’t something I learned growing up and I couldn’t figure out why my house continually reverted to a mess.

In 2015, a friend of mine introduced me to Marie Kondo’s book, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up", which proposed what felt like a revolutionary idea:

that we can surround ourselves solely with items that spark joy.

What started with an afternoon’s read ended with a seismic shift in my relationship to things, people, and the world around me.

I’m probably not the Professional Organizer that you're imagining. My process is not based on reshuffling your stuff in clever ways, nor on preaching a monk-like existence absent of attachment. Instead, I start with you. Your goals and vision for what brings you peace.

The goal of our sessions is to reduce the things you never really loved so you can better enjoy those items that you do.

Then we’ll develop a thoughtful system so you can best store and use those items to their maximum potential. We're after minimalist, elegant solutions; beauty will arrive from simplicity!

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